If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a SaaS owner, a web developer, or a designer who is looking to redesign their app. This is great! Redesigning an app can be both rewarding and challenging because there are so many moving parts involved. In fact, it’s often the case that one thing leads to another: your business grows and changes, the technology landscape shifts, and user expectations shift—all of which can have a significant impact on your existing design. Here at DevForce, we believe it’s important for designers and developers to be able to recognize when their app needs a redesign in order for them to take action on their ideas sooner rather than later.

The Web App is confusing or hard to navigate.
- Have you ever wondered why some websites are more confusing than others? It’s not just the design! When you’re creating a web app, there are many things that can make it hard to navigate.
If your users have to search for things, they may not be able to find what they need. A good example of this is an e-commerce website where customers can only browse through one category at a time and cannot easily switch between categories or do keyword searches if they want something specific (like “shoes”).
If your users have to click through a lot of pages and fill out lots of forms in order to sign up for your service or purchase something from you online, then it’s probably too difficult for them. Remember: The fewer steps there are between clicking on your site and completing an action (such as buying an item), the better experience it will be for your visitors!
You’re Not Getting Any New Leads Or Registrations
The best way to measure your website’s performance is through conversion rates. This is the percentage of visitors who complete an action on your site (sign up for a newsletter, download an app, etc.).
If you are not receiving any new leads or registrations from your website, it’s probably time for a redesign. A poorly designed site will only discourage potential users from engaging with the content and completing the desired action that could result in business leads. If people aren’t visiting your website at all, then it’s safe to say that this isn’t working out very well for you either!
Improving conversion rates requires careful analysis of user behavior on your site and understanding why they aren’t converting into leads or registrations as well as knowing what needs fixing on the page itself before making any changes to improve lead generation rates by analyzing engagement patterns until they have found something worth following through with when designing new layouts or updating existing ones so they don’t lose sight of their goals when coming up with ideas like these.”
You’re Paying A Lot For Marketing But Nothing Is Converting
When your marketing is costing too much and bringing in no leads, you need to take a look at your website. Your site could be the reason why marketing isn’t working. If you’re paying a lot for marketing but nothing is converting, there are five signs that say your web app needs a redesign:
The first sign is that your cost of marketing it too high. This means you’re spending on things like pay-per-click ads and other forms of digital marketing that are not working as well as they should be.
The second sign is that your products or services aren’t getting the right message to the right people in the right way. It could be because they don’t know what they can do with them; this might mean that users don’t understand what makes their product unique compared to others in its category (or even similar ones).
The third sign is that designs have become outdated over time due to changes in technology, cultural trends and user expectations—and therefore require an overhaul before being released again online.”
Your Customer Acquisition Costs Are High
You know your customer acquisition costs are high when you’re paying a lot of money to acquire users, but they don’t stick around. If that’s the case and you’re not getting any new leads or registrations from it, then it’s time for a redesign.
The key is to be clear on what the problem is. Is it because your web app isn’t responsive? Does it confuse or scare people away and make them want to leave? Or maybe there’s just something about how easy it is for people to navigate through your website that needs attention: perhaps there are too many buttons scattered across the page or links in different places?
Your Web App Design Is Not Responsive
One of the biggest ways to help ensure that your app remains relevant is through responsive design. This means that no matter what device users use to access it (PC, tablet or mobile), it will always look good on whatever size screen they are using. A good example of this is Facebook; no matter what platform they use (desktop or mobile) their homepage looks great!
It’s not always easy to get started, but here are some tips to consider when designing for mobile:
- Use a layout that is simple and intuitive
- Design with usability in mind. This will make it easier for your users to navigate around the application.
- Focus on user experience rather than just visual appeal.
Your App Looks Outdated In Design
Whether you just started a SaaS product or a scaling business, it’s important to keep your web app up to date. One of the best ways to do that is by conducting regular usability tests on your product and user experience. As a SaaS owner, it’s easy to get caught up in all the day-to-day tasks that come with managing a company. However, if you want to stay competitive in today’s marketplace, it’s crucial for businesses and startups alike to assess their apps on a regular basis and make necessary changes whenever necessary (which will usually be every few months).
Startups need this more than anything because they have so much more on their plates than established companies: they need funding, they need customers and users who are willing to use their service or buy their product once released into market place–they don’t have time for outdated technology!
The good news is that you don’t have to stick with the current design of your SaaS app. All it takes is one look at the top SaaS startups today and their web app designs to see how far we’ve come over time. What was once commonplace on the web now feels outdated—just like what happened with desktop computers in favor of mobile devices.
If your business has an older-looking app, consider redesigning it so that it can reach its full potential as a tool for bringing in new leads and converting them into sales.